jewelry stores in Michigan - Latest News and Features - INSTOREMAG.COM News and advice for American jewelry store owners Tue, 05 Dec 2023 04:20:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Jewelers Share Stories of Larger-Than-Life Adventures Tue, 05 Dec 2023 04:17:39 +0000 After-hours exploits include heli-skiing, paragliding, racing, pyrotechnics and more.

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WE ASKED THE daredevils among our Brain Squad survey group to talk about what makes them tick when it comes to their adventures that many would consider downright risky. Several confided that not only were their off-hours interests thrilling, diverting and cathartic, but those activities have also benefited their jewelry retail businesses in some way.

For example, endurance race car driver Nick Boulle of Dallas-based de Boulle Jewelry notes that there is a shared passion between people who love watches and cars. “It’s done a lot for client crossover,” Boulle says. “We’ve built great relationships over a shared passion. We’ve had groups of up to 25 people with us at the races.”

Stephenie Bjorkman of Sami Fine Jewelry in Fountain Hills, AZ, who competes in risky sports involving horses, says her passion for horses has become an integral part of her business by recognizing the potential of that horse-loving customer niche. “My staff gets excited if someone walks in the door with horse s— on their boots!” she says. “Horses are expensive, and horse people can afford jewelry!”

Hockey player Michael Kanoff of Michael’s Jewelers in Yardley, PA, decided to sponsor his team by buying jerseys, which turned out to be a great idea because he’s picked up many new customers who play in the league and sold an engagement ring to one of the league referees.

At the very least, these 10 jewelers have something to talk about, whether or not they consider themselves to be daredevils.

Nick Boulle, president of de Boulle Diamond and Jewelry in Dallas and Houston, TX, in his racing gear (left) and with sister Emma, father Denis and mother Karen.

Nick Boulle, president of de Boulle Diamond and Jewelry in Dallas and Houston, TX, in his racing gear (left) and with sister Emma, father Denis and mother Karen.

Race-Car Driver
Nick Boulle, de Boulle, Dallas, TX

Endurance race car driver Nick Boulle has raced at famous tracks across the United States and Europe, from Daytona Beach to Le Mans. Highlights of his racing career include winning the ROLEX 24 Hours at Daytona in 2017 and finishing 7th at the Le Mans 24 Hours.

“I truly love to compete in all ways, and to me, motorsports brings together a lot of the things that I love,” Boulle says. “It requires physical fitness; you have to find solutions to complex problems with your teammates, engineers and mechanics; and it also involves creativity as you work to navigate and ‘see’ the perfect line and driving techniques to drive a car around a racetrack with constantly changing conditions at the absolute limit.

“Then you throw in the fact that you’re all alone in the car, under immense pressure, and the track is filled with people who want the exact same thing that you do in that exact moment, and it makes for a great show and an unbelievable test of one’s skillset.


“I find the feeling of being in the car fairly calming. Sometimes at the start of a race, I might get some nerves, but once the race begins, you are so focused that it all becomes really quiet. None of our daily worries are able to invade the space, and even after a driver change in the middle of a 24-hour race, you get out and immediately debrief with the engineers and the next driver on standby to figure out how we’re going to keep improving the car and our standings in the race at that moment.

“I think what’s made me stay so in love with the sport is that when you are at the racetrack, you are working with your teammates and the car in absolute sync towards a common goal. Life can be complicated, but with motorsports, when you are competing at the racetrack, everything is suddenly very simple. You want to win and succeed and move the car forward; life becomes binary.

“You’re so focused that it’s almost cathartic because it’s very calming being around a situation that’s so simple. You want to win.”


Ellie Thompson

Trail Rider
Ellie Thompson, Ellie Thompson & Co., Chicago

“Over the last 10 years, the challenge of riding technical trails and keeping my fitness optimized for long days on my bike has been a great source of inspiration and a way to reinvigorate my energy. I enjoy racing as well as joyriding, both as a solo rider and with friends! The sport is not without risk and peril: I have come back to it again and again despite three collarbone breaks, a broken leg and multiple surgeries.”


Racing and Heli-Snowboarding
Steve Quick, Steve Quick Jewelers, Chicago

Steve & Melissa Quick

Steve & Melissa Quick

Melissa Quick says while her husband, Steve, is no longer racing powerboats (the most dangerous of his hobbies), he is racing cars and heli-snowboarding. “He never makes it to the Arizona shows because he is back-country snowboarding from a helicopter in British Columbia or Alaska!”

Steve concedes he is an adrenaline enthusiast with a competitive streak, but doesn’t consider himself a daredevil, since he takes every safety precaution possible.

“I have friends who base jump and wingsuit; they are daredevils in my estimation. I want at least half a chance if something goes awry. Roll cages, oxygen, rescue teams above in helicopters, six-point harnesses are all part of my comfort zone.

Steve Quick’s high-powered catamaran, below, before it was badly damaged in a wreck, left. He has since moved on to car racing with strict safety protocols.

Steve Quick’s high-powered catamaran, below, before it was badly damaged in a wreck, left. He has since moved on to car racing with strict safety protocols.

“I am rarely as focused and exhilarated as I am behind the wheel or on my snowboard. I have been racing boats most of my adult life. The fascination with speed on the water culminated with a 17-year career racing Powerboats Offshore. They were large high-powered catamaran hulls that are more aircraft than boat.

“A few years after my last boat race, Manos Phoundoulakis [of EXEC] suggested I join his Gem Besties automobile racing team. Melissa was always uncomfortable when I was at a boat race, rightly so as we saw many competitors die. Not so with the cars. Accidents can and do happen whenever you are going very fast in competition, but our safety protocols are very robust.

“Most people presuppose that I must love skydiving or motorcycles. Not so much. I do a lot of helicopter skiing. That would be the only thing I do that if a really bad day happened it could be the last one. Everything is relative, and to many people, I would fit the definition of daredevil. In my mind, I’m a reluctant one.”

Fireworks Expert
Chris Wattsson, Wattsson & Wattsson, Marquette, MI

Chris Wattsson works for the company that conducts Marquette’s official Fourth of July celebration complete with choreographed music and a laser light show at Marquette’s Ore Dock, an event that attracted more than 7,000 people this year.

“I’ve always loved fireworks ever since I was a kid,” Wattsson says. “Even at 6 years old, I was always playing with firecrackers. I’d take a coffee can and a soup can, drill a hole in the top, and when you light it, it shoots itself out of the water. I like the concussions and choreographing it to music.

Chris Wattsson of Wattsson & Wattsson helps set up and operate the o icial Fourth of July fireworks display in his hometown of Marquette, MI.

Chris Wattsson of Wattsson & Wattsson helps set up and operate the o icial Fourth of July fireworks display in his hometown of Marquette, MI.

“I just love the explosions. People are parked all the way out watching it from the shoreline. It’s a four-day setup. We close for a while, too, because I’m gone for a week. I take a week off to work even harder: There are heavy racks to move around, 60 to 80 pounds, a couple hundred of them that you have to move.

“I have to board my dog, Echo, a Norwegian elkhound, across town. He hates my hobby!”

J. Mason Cutchin, JMason Custom Jeweler, Chapel Hill, NC

“Pyrotechnics!!! Rockets, cannons and fireworks are all very satisfying after hours. As a goldsmith, I play with fire every day. The rules are the same. Planning and building for successful performance apply to jewelry and pyrotechnics. Great fun! I wonder how many jewelers want the term daredevil as part of their profile? Pyrotechnics is no place for a daredevil. Cycling and water-skiing days are over. Riding my old unicycle would be a daredevil stunt these days!”

J. Mason Cutchin

J. Mason Cutchin

Skydiving and High-Altitude Hiking
Denise Oros, Linnea Jewelers, La Grange, IL

“My wonderful engineer husband, who is a licensed IFR pilot, loves flying planes, but me, well I love the adrenaline high of jumping out of them. The peacefulness of floating once that chute opens is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. You can see for miles, and you can hear every little thing when you’re coming down. Amazing!

“And I’m extremely fortunate that my best friend is an endangered-wildlife biologist. As soon as Vegas is over, she plans our hiking trip through the Zion Narrows, which were shut down because of the snow melt this year. Bryce Canyon, which is high altitude hiking, and we often carry oxygen with us. Escalante and the Grand Staircase are just endurance venues, and this year we hiked and became familiar with the flora and fauna of Capitol Reef. You can’t beat southern Utah for incredible views and amazing scenery!”

Motorcycle Racing
Tom Duma, Thom Duma Fine Jewelry, Warren, OH

“I used to race motorcycles professionally; in fact, I told my dad, who was in the jewelry business, ‘Don’t count on me coming into the business, because I’m going to make lots of money racing and retire by the time I’m 40.’ Well, the professional racing was true. The making lots of money and retiring at 40 didn’t happen! I got really injured (fell off at the Indy Mile at 120 mph) ending my dreams of a national championship. But I still race at an amateur level in the 60-plus class, and I just did a two-seater ride at Road America on a Suzuki 1000. Chris Ulrich was at the controls, and I was on the back. It is called a Two Up ride! We did 155 down the straightaway. I have video and pictures to prove that!”

Tom Duma on motorbike

All-Around Adventurer
Jennifer Hornik Johnson, Miller’s Jewelry, Bozeman, MT

“Oh, I’m a big risk-taker. Love the thrill! Call me an adrenaline junkie. Have been bungee jumping, sky diving, canyoning, rappelling, rock climbing. A couple years back, I ran off the side of a mountain in Jackson Hole, WY, (paragliding); it was awesome. I have also paraglided off the coast in Lima, Peru.

“One of my favorite trips was to Switzerland in college, where I went canyoning, mountain biking and bungee jumping in the Swiss Alps.

“Another uber-memorable trip was to Peru in my mid-20s. After spending some time living and volunteering in/near Cusco, I traveled the country with my dear friend, Allison. Our days were filled with once-in-a-lifetime experiences. We did stuff like whitewater rafting the Urubamba River and sand-surfing on the dunes of Huacachina! We also competed a multi-day Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu, of course. It was incredible.

Jennifer Hornik Johnson (left) with two friends at Machu Picchu in Peru.

Jennifer Hornik Johnson (left) with two friends at Machu Picchu in Peru.

“A final story I’ll share was a special skydiving trip taken with both of my siblings. My brother and I took our sister soaring as her college graduation gift. All three of us did tandem jumps for the first time that day in Southern California. Talk about family bonding! (We didn’t tell our parents about the risky (ad)venture until it was over and we were all three safely back on the ground, of course.)

“My next big adventure could be in Africa. I have been trying to schedule a trip to Tanzania to (hopefully) summit Mount Kilimanjaro and experience a safari.”


Reined Cowhorse Competitor
Stephenie Bjorkman, Sami Fine Jewelry, Fountain Hills, AZ

Stephenie Bjorkman holds five world titles in the sport of reined cowhorse.

“I compete and show horses all over the United States. I currently compete in the National Reined Cowhorse Association where I show in cutting, reining, and cow boxing. I also show in the American Quarter Horse Association, where I show in reining, cow boxing, ranch riding, and ranch rail.

Stephenie Bjorkman, owner of Sami Fine Jewelry in Fountain Hills, AZ, competes in the National Reined Cowhorse Association competition.

Stephenie Bjorkman, owner of Sami Fine Jewelry in Fountain Hills, AZ, competes in the National Reined Cowhorse Association competition.

“In the reined cowhorse, lots of people get hurt. Horses fall on their riders at almost every show. Being around horses and cattle, you cannot control your environment. Both are animals and will kick, bite, buck, and do lots of unexpected things. Cowhorse is a dangerous sport where you show your horse in reining and then chase a cow. I have gotten bucked off, kicked in the head (concussions), bitten and dragged. I still love riding horses! My sport is very high speed and dangerous and gives you an adrenalin rush. I can’t get enough.

“I also raise miniature horses that I use for therapy, team-building events, etc. I have tons of horse clients (that I have met competing) along with our jewelry store clients who visit my miniature horse ranch (”

Hockey Player
Michael Kanoff, Michael’s Jewelers, Yardley, PA

“I played hockey as a kid all through high school and loved it. I stopped playing once I graduated. Every year, friends would ask me to play men’s league ice hockey, but I had no interest. But one day, one of my buddies called and convinced me to start playing again after an 18-year break. I started playing in my mid-30s and quickly realized I was in awful shape. Hockey completely changed my life, as I started working out for the first time in my life and eating better just so I could keep up with kids 10 years younger than me.

Now in his late 40s, Michael Kanoff (center) of Michael’s Jewelers still plays competitive hockey.

Now in his late 40s, Michael Kanoff (center) of Michael’s Jewelers still plays competitive hockey.

“I have had my share of injuries. I broke my collarbone from playing and swore I was done playing at that point. But I missed it and went back to playing after a year. I’ve been playing men’s league ice hockey for 14 years now, and I feel like an 18-year-old kid when I play and a 70-year-old man for the next two days, but it’s worth all of the aches and pains. As I am getting older, a lot of the time I don’t feel like playing. But when it’s time to leave, I blast hip-hop, Metallica or Rage Against the Machine in the car ride over and I am good to go.

“I refuse to stop playing because that would make me old, and I think age is a state of mind. I have way more energy in my late 40s than I did in my 30s. I am now chasing kids around the ice who are 20 years younger than me; I can’t catch them, but I hold my own.”


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These 10 Stores Were America’s Coolest Stores Honorable Mentions for 2023 Wed, 23 Aug 2023 01:11:45 +0000 Full stories on each store will run in the magazine over the next year.

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Grand Rapids, MI

An airy storefront with three walls of windows attracted the Kesslers Diamonds’ team to the space for their newest, and eighth, store, which now has a lounge, bar and booth seating. Founder Richard Kessler taught his team to treat the business as if it were their own, advice they took to heart, because when Kessler retired in 2019, the business became 100% employee-owned.


Shaftel Diamonds
Houston, TX

Keith Shaftel launched his business supplying loose
diamonds to wholesalers and local jewelers, later adding a retail showroom. With son, Danny, and daughter, Gaby on board, the family recently reinvented their store. Designer Jesse Balaity’s concept was based on Houston being a big city that doesn’t take itself too seriously, prioritizing fun and engaging over formal and controlled.

L. Priori Jewelry
Washington, D.C.

GIA graduate gemologist Lauren Priori left Philadelphia’s Jeweler’s Row in 2016 to start the kind of jewelry company she’d always wanted to work for. With an appointment-only business focused on custom engagement rings, the company has grown tenfold over six years. In 2021, Priori opened her third location in Georgetown.

Springer’s Jewelers
Portsmouth, NH

Owners Lily Beaulieu Mullen, who designed Springer’s newest store, and her sister, Zoe Beaulieu, represent the millennial fourth generation of family-owned Springers Jewelers, founded in 1870. Their Portsmouth store is at the gateway of the historic downtown on the ground floor of 100 Market, a high-end building that’s home to New England’s premier private club.

Occasions Fine Jewelry
Midland, TX

In 2021, collaborating with interior designer Leslie McGwire, second-generation owner Michael Fleck remodeled his store with a motif and palette he describes as desert luxury. “We wanted Occasions to be a luxurious celebration of everything that’s best about Midland, Texas, and its prairie landscape,” Fleck says.


William Travis Jewelry
Chapel Hill, NC

Wiliam Travis Kukovich, a fifth-generation metalsmith, designed his shop with Feng Shui principles in mind to harmonize the guest experience. Everything moves in a circular pattern, avoiding any entrapment of energy. As for marketing, video is essential, he says, because it captures the natural movement of the wearer and the play of light and form as the jewelry is worn.

Powell Jewelry
Wichita, KS

Dan and Lynn Hernandez own Powell Jewelry, which has grown over 90 years from a small store to a multiple brand retailer. Their newest store, designed by Leslie McGwire & Associates, represents a cutting edge, elegant, and classy design that stands out in Wichita with its Italian marble floors and museum cases accented in black, white and brushed gold.

John Thomas Jewelers
Albuquerque, NM

John Thomas Jewelers, owned by John Thomas Mead, occupies 1,500 square feet on the third floor of an office building with almost all alloy samples in bridal. The entire store is client facing with 5-foot wide pullout double level drawers that display more than 2,000 rings. With 3D software and 3D wax printers, a magnetic try-on station, and all of the accessible jewelry, it truly is a hands-on experience.

Dutille’s Jewelry Design Studio
Lebanon, NH

Second-generation jeweler Jude Dutille and son Beau began a major renovation of their full-service store with the help of Retailworks in late 2019. They relocated their workshop from the basement to the main floor, where customers can now observe the repair, design, and creation of jewelry on-site.

Water Street Jewelers
Guilford, CT

At Daniela Balzano’s store, customers have meaningful jewelry transformed into wearable art. Balzano has a commitment to ethical sourcing, independent designers, and sustainable packaging. The store, awash in natural light, is designed with a calming palette of turquoise, white and cream. Plants, natural wood and hand-built cases contribute to an artisanal feel.

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Tapper’s First Freestanding Location Features a Diamond Loft Fri, 18 Aug 2023 04:20:47 +0000 It creates an environment of intimacy.

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Tapper’s Jewelry, Novi, MI

OWNERS: Mark Tapper, Leora Tapper, Marla Tapper Young; URL:; FOUNDED: 1977; OPENED FEATURED LOCATION: 2023; AREA: 10,000 square feet; ARCHITECT AND DESIGN: JGA, Sachse, Gi els Webster; TOP BRANDS: Rolex, Tudor, David Yurman, Cartier, Breitling, Bulgari, Omega, Panerai, IWC, Grand Seiko, Tag Heuer, Lagos, Mikimoto, Roberto Coin, Marco Bicego, John Hardy, Gucci, Pomellato, Shinola, Casio G-Shock, Charles Krypell, Bellarri, Eriness, Julez Bryant, Maria Tash, Pasquale Bruni, Spinelli Kilcollin, Suzanne Kalan, Tateossian, Temple St. Clair, Walters Faith, Zoe Chicco; EMPLOYEES: 111 full-time; 43 part-time; ONLINE PRESENCE: 4.4 Stars on Facebook; 17,300 Instagram followers

Mark Tapper, Leora Tapper, Marla Tapper Young

Mark Tapper, Leora Tapper, Marla Tapper Young

Tapper’s new store has a remarkable floor plan — one that you won’t find on the original blueprint.

When Tapper’s president, Mark Tapper, began planning for the family business’s first freestanding store, it was supposed to be a spacious, one-story structure, divided into two halves, which during the planning stage seemed huge.

But when Tapper’s watch and jewelry brand partners became excited about the project, brand requirements and expectations began to soar, making that sprawling space suddenly seem cramped.


“Unlike being in a mall where there’s infinite space to take over another area, we’re landlocked,” he says.

Since they couldn’t make the first level larger, Tapper and the project’s architects began to look up. That idea led to a second-floor space known as the Diamond Loft, an all-encompassing environment for diamonds and bridal. What started out as a necessity became an exceptional space.

It’s private, quiet and intimate with two salons and an ample lounge.

“It takes away a lot of the pressure, the hustle and bustle of people being around or looking at other categories, and has created an environment of intimacy,” Tapper says.


Throughout the store there are multiple private shopping lounges, a bar and a snack area that includes TVs.

Although a freestanding store had not been a goal, per se, the new store turned out to be a good opportunity. “This area in our city has been neglected in terms of independent retailers and freestanding stores, and we thought the area deserved something of this nature and stature,” Tapper says.

It was also a way to take more control of the environment. “We saw the opportunity to curate our own luxury campus from the second the customer drives onto the property.”

There is a downside to a standalone store, though, Tapper says. “Managing your own building takes a different skill set and sense of patience.

I’ve had conversations I’ve never had to be engaged in, about landscaping, locks and snow removal. I thought it would be more glamorous!”

Since it opened, the store has exceeded expectations on all levels. Traffic is up 30% over projections, and conversion up 50%.

The goal of the design of Tapper’s 2018 America’s Coolest Store, in Troy, MI, was to create more intimacy. That’s a theme on which the Novi location expanded. Six customer lounges in this store create more of a boutique shopping experience while the overall space still allows a wealth of inventory.

“Everything is about access and ease to the customer, so they want to be at the store and have repeat visits,” Tapper says. “That’s really what the whole experience is about for us. Create a comfortable and inviting environment for our guests that allows sales associates to do what they do best.”

Being out of the mall also means that the Novi store is their first that has natural light, with about 35 feet of glass in the front. They made sure the lighting component throughout the store didn’t fight with the natural light and that UV filtration was in place.

“We like having organic and natural materials and elements in the store. For us, it’s about knowing our market, knowing how to create a luxurious environment that is not ostentatious. Having that balance can be somewhat of a challenge.”

Tapper’s has a Guest Experience lead present at all times to ensure visitors are receiving an exceptional experience.

That exceptional experience includes treating guests with “surprise and delight gifts” just because, or to celebrate special occasions through a program called Treated by Tapper’s. The team has access to giveaway items such as champagne flutes, beer mugs, portable chargers, themed baby onesies, a child’s first necklace and more. “We use these items to create an experience that a guest will remember forever,” Tapper says.

The children’s jewelry, stainless steel bracelets and necklaces in a Tapper’s box, is designed to win customers for life. The gift goes a long way with the parents as well.

Store designers also took advantage of the store’s placement near an expressway to make sure it would stand out as a landmark. In a pop-out structure at the top of the building, a special lighting feature can be animated and curated for any occasion: Red for Valentine’s Day; green and white for Michigan State and blue and yellow for University of Michigan, for example. If there’s a special event planned with a watch brand, the brand’s colors can be illuminated.

“It brings attention to the building and makes sure the building is refreshing itself in different ways,” Tapper says.

The debut of the new store coincided with a move from a campaign-based marketing approach to an always-on-approach to continue to grow brand awareness. “We realized that the best way to continue to build our brand was to keep Tapper’s top of mind,” Tapper says.

“We also realize that the omnichannel guest experience is important, as the first place many guests interact with us is our website. We put a huge emphasis on bringing our brand to life in the digital space so that it aligns with the in-store experience.”

Traditional marketing is also effective for Tapper’s, particularly the radio campaign that runs 365 days a year with a focus on brand-building through origin stories of the business as well as through interactions between Mark Tapper and a fictitious character, Sir Richard Poshingham.

The store’s grand opening was the largest event in Tapper’s 45-year history as well as the most financially successful. Music, food, signature cocktails, 360-degree cameras and a valet all made it especially memorable.

“People like a nice party and they were curious to see the store,” Tapper says.

Even the most far-flung Tapper’s stores are just 20 minutes apart, so the family has built a loyal client base in a relatively compact area over 45 years. “So everyone came to see the new building, support our family and sales team and see what was different,” he says.

Giveaways include not only branded swag, but also a variety of gifts, which are part of a program called Treated by Tapper’s.

Five Cool Things About Tapper’s Jewelry

1. RISKING IT ALL. Newly married, baby on the way, company founder Howard Tapper borrowed money from his family and sold his car to raise the funds to open his first jewelry store. He sketched the floor plan on a scrap piece of paper. And then he bought his first inventory on credit as well. On the first day of business, he managed to sell $1,025, enough to pay that first month’s rent.

2. DEAD ZONE STRATEGY. Tapper’s uses heat mapping to identify high traffic areas and dead zones in the store. Instead of installing lower-priced merchandise in dead zones, they’ve added destination merchandise like religious jewelry or studs, making what would be a dead zone into a profit center.

3. COMPANY CULTURE. In 2022, Tapper’s was one of only two retailers in the region named one of the best places to work by the Detroit Free Press after being nominated by the team. Once a quarter, the stores close to plan a social activity outside of work, to encourage camaraderie. They’ve rented out a bowling alley, hosted an event at Top Golf and thrown a company picnic for employees and their families with food trucks and clowns. “The emphasis we put into building culture and fostering a team environment has paid off in terms of our associates,” Tapper says.


4. COAT DRIVE. Tapper’s biggest community initiative is the Coat Drive. The team works throughout the year to gather monetary and coat donations. The money is used to buy new coats for families in need. Each Tapper’s store has a collection box, and they partner with other local businesses to collect as well. The coats are distributed to 20-plus local charities.

5. THE TAPPER’S WAY. Tapper’s launched a weekly fundamentals program called “The Tapper’s Way,” actions and behaviors designed to reinforce the company’s core values. Each week, a fundamental is introduced and discussed during every team meeting. One team member is also asked to highlight the fundamental through a video that is shared company-wide. Some examples are: Deliver Legendary Service, Make it Happen, Celebrate Success, Get Better Every Single Day, Let Your Kindness Shine, Assume Positive Intent, Go the Extra Mile, Be a Great Teammate, Keep Things Fun.



  • Jesse Balaity: I like the variety of experiences within this massive store. I feel like I could visit a dozen times and still find new areas to explore, new ways to experience the store.
  • JACKIE BROOKS:Love Sir Richard Poshingham! The exterior of the store was my favorite — absolutely breathtaking.
  • GABRIELLE GRAZI: The origin story is priceless and played well with the marketing strategy infused into tag lines like “Help Mark find his dad’s Cutlass.” The exceptional level of detail across the entire consumer journey whether online or in store can only be attained by the values instilled and the culture that has ensued. The Diamond Journey display case is both imaginative and educational for the consumer
  • LARRY JOHNSON:The interior of this store is beautiful. It provides a lovely place to shop.
  • REBECCA RAU:It sounds like a very supportive environment for the Tapper’s team. I love the dedication to continuous learning and training. Seems ripe for further growth. Kudos.
  • MEG TERRY:The entry feature of this store is very nice and the lighting is done well. The cases are nicely executed and airy.


Try This: Bingo!

One Tapper’s tradition started at closing time years ago, when the team would play bingo on Saturdays. The goal was to end the week on a positive note and put a little cash in team members’ hands for the weekend. Even with multiple locations, the tradition lives on, and the team plays bingo at all company meetings. They still can win cash, and it is still a tradition that the team loves.

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Humor: This Former Marine Had a Burning Desire Thu, 20 Jul 2023 04:00:02 +0000 This was one job that had to be left behind.

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A guy asked Julie to make an earring for him out of his deceased wife’s engagement ring. She did. Then he asked her to solder it shut in his ear with her torch (this predated the permanent jewelry fad). When she told him the temperature needed to melt the gold in his ear, he said, ‘Go ahead and do it. I can take it. I am a Marine.’ We passed on the solder job — can you imagine the smell? — Cliff Yankovich, Chimera Design, Lowell, MI

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These 12 Jewelry Stores Know How to Let In the Light Mon, 01 May 2023 02:01:52 +0000 Sunshine keeps it real.

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LYN FALK, CEO and president of RetailWorks, says that since humans have spent hundreds of thousands of years living under the sun and artificial light is relatively new in the scheme of things, people are drawn to natural light instinctively.

“It’s life-giving, a connection to nature,” she says.

When it comes to retail, day-lighting, as it’s called, keeps a store feeling real and not artificial, sets customers at ease and boosts everyone’s mood. “It’s healthier to have natural light illuminating our built environments as much as possible,” she says.

Although natural light changes color and intensity throughout the day, and extreme sun coming in from east, south, and west windows can be challenging, that’s an issue that can be solved with adjustable window treatments.

“Northern light is best,” says Jay Colombo, a partner at Michael Hsu Office of Architecture in Houston, who designed the Zadok store. “It’s never direct, and there’s a lot of consistency and evenness to it.”

To balance natural and artificial light, Falk suggests multiple levels and types of lights that are similar in color temperature. Natural light would be combined with fixtures that provide ambient light, as well as accent lights and decorative lights.

“My go-to-temperature for retail is 3500K, with 3000K as a second option if 3500 isn’t available,” Falk says. “And all jewelers (should) know the importance of showcase lighting that makes jewels/diamonds sparkle, and that’s a 4100-5000K lamp.

“Of course, if the jeweler is in an enclosed shopping mall, they often don’t have access to natural light, in which case, artificial light has to do the heavy lifting, and then color temp is extremely important to get right.”


Warmth of Home
Zadok, Houston, TX

At Zadok’s 28,000 square foot location in Houston, facades on three sides of the building let natural light wash into the showroom. “You don’t feel like you’re in a fluorescent box,” says Jay Colombo, partner at Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, which designed the project. A two-story window wall faces north and illuminates the grand staircase with consistent, even northern light. Windows line the branded boutiques, too, as well as the offices, a feature appreciated by 40 back-office staffers. Glazing and screens on the building enhance energy efficiency and security.

Atrium Ambience
John Atencio, Lone Tree, CO

In general, mall stores are not known for natural light, let alone an abundance of it, but John Atencio’s location in a Lone Tree, CO, mall near Denver, takes advantage of its space under an atrium with sky lights. Light shines through a 14-foot ceiling designed with natural wood in a grid pattern. The jewelry designer’s newest location also features a sheer glass facade that wraps the storefront from floor to ceiling. “When it was complete, I stood back and said, ‘Wow,’” says Atencio, who opened the renovated store in 2018.

Light as Air
Bere, Pensacola, FL

Bere, which opened in 2017, is across the street from the airport, offering owners Barry and Laura Cole a view of the runway from their conference room. Pensacola is home to naval aviation and the Blue Angels, local themes Cole wanted to tie into the store with plentiful views of the sky. An entire wall anchors a bar, lounge and Breitling watch zone, where panel walls with rivets mimicking old airplane and antique propellers pay homage to the local military and aviation history.

See-Through Site
The Diamond Center, Janesville, WI

After 30 years in a huge but windowless space in a mall, the Yeko family moved their operation into a freestanding store with 270-degree views. Designed by Leslie McGwire in 2015, The Diamond Center has more than 2,000 square feet of glass curtain walls, with more than half of that glass tilted out to span a height of 24 feet, floor to ceiling. “When customers come in, the first thing they do is look up at the ceiling,” Steve Yeko Jr. notes. “There are lots of ‘wows.’” The store’s LEDs are all calibrated to simulate natural daylight, too, so daylight is not competing with a different color of light.

Bright and Sunny
Amanda Deer, Austinm, TX

Amanda Deer’s downtown Austin store is the epitome of what’s described as light and airy interior design. Live plants thrive in the natural light and add to the natural, organic feel, which is reinforced by wood floors and bowls filled with black sand that are used as unique display elements. It occupies a historical building in downtown Austin that was built in the late 1800s as a flour warehouse. Owned by Amanda Eddy, the store opened in 2017.


Sunlight Squared
Julz by Alan Rodriguez, Canton, OH

For his newest retail location, Alan Rodriguez purchased a former bank building that was built in 1950 and hadn’t been remodeled in over 40 years. Inspired by the design of an Apple store with a touch of Crate and Barrel, he gutted the structure and built out a two-story glass cube that’s the focal point of the store. This large window structure fills the store with natural light during the day and shows the changing weather background.

Sea Inside
Hamilton Butler, Hermosa Beach, CA

Hamilton Butler brings the outdoors in with its peacock motif and the light flooding in two large windows in the front of the store. Owned by Joni Hamilton and Shelia Butler, the store is an inviting, sun-splashed hangout for the beach community that they opened together in 2016. Sea grass carpeting, pale turquoise walls and a view of palm trees reinforces the vibe. “Even when you’re in the store, you feel like you’re outside at the same time,” Butler says.

Revolution Jewelry Works
Colorado Springs, CO

Revolution Jewelry Works, owned by Jennifer Farnes, has a spectacular corner view of the mountains in its recently expanded space.

Jewelry Set in Stone
Chelsea, MI

In 2022, the Jewelry Set in Stone team moved into the Clocktower building in downtown Chelsea, a historic structure that was once a stove factory. The second floor suite is blessed with light, tall ceilings and much more space than their previous location, a perfect setting for a custom-design business, says owner Stephen Kolokithas.

Beverly Hills, CA

JustDesi, owned by siblings Desi Kraiem and Justin Kraiem, stands out from its neighbors with its expansive windows, brilliant lighting and chic design.


King’s Fine Jewellery
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

After 38 years in a popular mall, King’s Fine Jewellery faced the decision of closing or relocating during a major mall renovation. Owners Brian and Nancy Nelson decided they weren’t ready to retire and purchased and built out a freestanding store in a new shopping center. In the new space they have two walls of glass windows, providing an abundance of natural light. They aren’t the only ones benefiting from natural light. A large school of cardinals, four varieties of angel fish and a collection of catfish thrive in a naturally planted, 7-foot-long aquarium.

Kesslers Diamonds
Grand Rapids, MI

Kessler’s location, its eight store, was chosen for its three walls of windows that provide an abundance of natural light. Kesslers Diamonds is employee owned.

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Michigan Jewelry Buyer Sentenced for $12M Fraud Scheme Sun, 31 Jul 2022 04:05:52 +0000 He proposed the "Yellow Rose" diamond as an investment opportunity to a client.

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A jewelry buyer, auctioneer and appraiser in Birmingham, MI, has been sentenced to more than 12 years in prison in connection with a fraud scheme.

Joseph Gregory Dumouchelle, 61, owner of Joseph Dumouchelle Fine and Estate Jewelry Buyers, Sellers, Appraisers, and Auctioneers, pleaded guilty to “devising and executing a scheme to defraud a client out of $12 million,” according to a press release from U.S. Attorney Dawn N. Ison.

He was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith.

More from the release:

According to court records, Dumouchelle was the owner of “Joseph Dumouchelle Fine and Estate Jewelry Buyers, Sellers, Appraisers, and Auctioneers,” a company doing business in the State of Michigan and throughout the United States. According to the facts made public at the guilty plea hearing, in late 2018, Dumouchelle began negotiating the purchase and sale of a diamond known as the “Yellow Rose.” Dumouchelle proposed the Yellow Rose as an investment opportunity to a client by claiming the diamond could be purchased by the client for $12,000,000 and sold quickly for substantially more. To lull the client into believing the investment was legitimate, Dumouchelle told the client that he could purchase the diamond by wire transferring $12,000,000 into the seller’s account. Dumouchelle sent the wire transfer directions to his client, falsely representing that the account was the sellers. In fact, as Dumouchelle well knew and intended, the wire transfer instructions were to his own account. After the client unknowingly wired the money into Dumouchelle’s account, Dumouchelle quickly withdrew the funds and used them to pay his personal and business debts and expenses.

It was part of Dumouchelle’s plea agreement that other victims of his fraud scheme and their losses would be used to calculate his sentencing guidelines and the amount of restitution he owed. Judge Goldsmith determined that total fraud loss was $25,308,216 and the restitution Dumouchelle owed was $25,206,401. The Court also ordered Dumouchelle to forfeit $12 Million for the fraud he committed. Following his release from prison, Dumouchelle will serve a three-year term of supervised release.

“White collar criminals may use sophisticated methods and apparently legitimate businesses, but their crimes amount to nothing more than lying to get money. Victims were often targeted because of their involvement in the jewelry investment, purchase, and auction trade, or were family members and friends of Dumouchelle. Victims were lulled into believing Dumouchelle’s false promises because he held himself out to be an expert with valuable connections that would provide them substantial profits.” said United States Attorney Dawn N. Ison.

“This defendant defrauded investors by convincing them he was buying and selling rare jewelry for big profits,” said James A. Tarasca, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Detroit Division. “Instead of actually conducting those transactions, Dumouchelle used the victims’ money to help maintain his expensive lifestyle. The success of this investigation is the result of a strong partnership between the Birmingham Police Department and the FBI’s Detroit Metropolitan Identity Theft and Financial Crimes Task Force.”

The investigation was conducted by the FBI and prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Karen Reynolds.


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Murder Charge Filed in Michigan Jeweler’s Shooting Death Sun, 05 Jun 2022 04:05:19 +0000 Police describe the crime as "targeted."

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Authorities have charged a suspect in connection with the shooting death of Dan Hutchinson, owner of Hutch’s Jewelry in Oak Park, MI.

Roy Donta Larry is accused of first-degree murder and felony firearm, the Detroit Free Press reports. Bond was denied for Larry, 44.

Hutchinson, 47, was killed early Wednesday afternoon while in an SUV less than a mile from his store. He suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

The suspect was captured shortly after the shooting, according to the Free Press.

Police say Hutchinson’s wife was in the SUV at the time of the shooting but was not hurt, WJBK-TV reports. The news station reported that more than a dozen shots were fired into the vehicle.

“This was not a random event; it was targeted,” Oak Park Police Lt. Marlon Benson told WJBK. “As far as reasons, we don’t know why he was targeted but we don’t think this was an isolated event.”

The Free Press reports that Hutchinson “had an extensive list of celebrity clients.”


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Jewelry Store Owner Shot to Death: Dan Hutchinson, 47, Was Killed Near Hutch’s Jewelry in Oak Park, MI Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:28:26 +0000 The jeweler "had an extensive list of celebrity clients."

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A jewelry store owner in Michigan was shot to death near his business.

Dan Hutchinson, owner of Hutch’s Jewelry, was killed early Wednesday afternoon while in an SUV, ClickOnDetroit reports. He was 47. Scroll down to watch a news video from WXYZ-TV about the crime.

Hutchinson suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was found less than a mile from the store, the Detroit News reports. The crime occurred shortly after he left the business.

The newspaper reports that a suspect has been taken into custody.

The Detroit Free Press reports that Hutchinson “had an extensive list of celebrity clients.”

Watch the video:

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These Memorable Jeweler Logos Define Brand Identity Tue, 26 Apr 2022 04:05:53 +0000 Small graphic elements have big impact.

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THE LOGO IS the visual mark of your brand in a small graphic element. Ideally, it can function as the foundation of your brand identity.

“Don’t underestimate the power of a really great logo that ties your brand together,” writes Tracy Matthews, jewelry designer and author of The Desired Brand Effect: Stand Out In A Saturated Market With A Timeless Jewelry Brand.

Matthews recommends hiring a professional graphic artist to create your logo. “You’ll save yourself a lot of pain,” she says.

Beyond the design, consider the colors carefully. Colors evoke emotions, mood and feelings. Are you going for a luxurious look? A playful vibe? Or a natural and sustainable feel? The colors you choose will help create that brand experience, which will be visible everywhere from your packaging to your signage, social media, website, marketing emails and advertising.

According to, effective logos foster brand loyalty, grab attention, make a strong first impression, and separate your business from the competition. reports that simple logos are the most memorable. They also need to be scalable, meaning they can be scaled up or down and still look good.

Here are examples of logos that express the foundation of their companies’ brand identities in memorable ways.

The Revolution

When Jennifer Farnes launched her business, Revolution Jewelry Works, in Colorado Springs, CO, she wanted to revolutionize how clients perceived jewelry stores. She hadn’t grown up in the business, and she perceived jewelry stores and the people who worked there to be stuffy, overdressed and snooty. She wanted a place that would appeal to her: laid-back, open and casual, with a knowledgeable team focused on custom design. She came up with a sit-down environment that invites clients to get comfortable and a profit-sharing approach that encourages team selling. The logo, designed by a friend who is a graphic designer, expresses her revolutionary fervor perfectly.

Rings Ahead!

The Kessler experience begins with a literal touchpoint: custom created logo door handles, the design of which speak to the brand’s focus on wedding and engagement rings. Employee-owned Kesslers Diamonds in Grand Rapids, MI, stocks nearly 2,000 loose diamonds in their stores. They carry an expansive collection of engagement and wedding ring settings, and if a client doesn’t find something they love, Kesslers will design it for them.


A Three-Pronged Approach

The logo for the Jewelers Guild in Milwaukee is integral, says owner Robert Peter, to expressing the company’s approach to success. “The green symbolizes our classroom and is highlighted in promotions for new classes. The blue represents our workshop. The purple represents the retail store. People key into the facet that appeals to them.”

Along the Path

WEND Jewelry’s logo illustrates the meandering path that founder Wendy Woldenberg has taken in her career as well as the journey her clients take. “WEND” is related to the verb “wind,” which means, among other things, to follow a series of curves and turns. “People from different paths, some that wander off the beaten track, have finally found what they’ve been searching for at WEND Jewelry,” says Woldenberg, whose career path motivated her to develop responsible practices for jewelry design.

An Antique Look

“When my grandmother purchased our current building in the early 1980s, my dad decided it was time for an official logo,” says Julie Walton Garland, who owns Walton’s Jewelry in Franklin, TN, with her father, Michael Walton. “He wanted an old English inspired logo that gave an ‘antique’ vibe. Two years ago, we did update the font ever so slightly to be more translatable, but this change is hardly noticeable. It simply gave it a refresh and allows us to use it in a variety of ways and platforms in today’s modern age.”

A Beachy, Artistic Vibe

Les Olson Jeweler’s logo, happily displayed on the store’s sign out front, signals both the store’s laid-back, beachy vibe in historic, downtown Palm Harbor, FL, and the fact that the custom-focused jewelry business has an artistic soul. “Over the years, the logo has been seeded in much of the marketing, as it speaks to the creativity of our family and making this business ours,” says Pam Shinsky, who bought Les Olson Jewelers with her husband, Bob Shinsky, in 1988 and opened their freestanding location in 2020. Bob and Pam are designers and bench jewelers, who have been joined in the business by their son, Rob. “We wanted our signage to reflect the feel of the inside of our studio, which is fun and bright, cheerful and artistic,” says Pam, who sketched the logo and asked her graphic artist niece, Melissa Slocum Evanko, to bring the playful design to life. The sign is rendered in Key West colors and it sparkles at night, adding to the sense of fun.

A Distinctive Diamond

Ronnie Malka of Malka Diamonds in Portland, OR, says it’s not easy to design a diamond-themed logo without having it looking like everyone else’s, or like Superman’s logo. “We wanted a diamond, but we also wanted the “M.” created the logo, and we were and still are thrilled!”


An Award Winner

The logo for Cut Fine Jewelers in Baton Rouge, LA, won a gold award from the American Advertising Federation for its graphic design, which lends a modern, contemporary feel to the store. The name gives owner Matthew Patton the opportunity to educate customers about the importance of cut when assessing a diamond’s quality. “The most common question we get from almost everyone we have the opportunity to meet is, ‘Why is it called CUT?!’ The answer is amazingly simple: ‘Cut’ is the most important aspect of a diamond when it comes to picking the perfect one.” He also likes the simple and concise nature of the name, “CUT.” “We didn’t need another Family Name Fine Jewelers,” he says.

On the Lake

When Jeff Guntzviller designed a new location for Miner’s North Jewelers in Traverse City, MI, in 2021, he wanted people to walk in and get the sense that it’s a diamond store. The logo reflects both the artistic vibe of the store design and the store’s location directly across the street from Lake Michigan. “The diamond logos around the store and the pattern were done by a local design and signage company we used,” Guntzviller says. The design was a collaboration between Guntzviller, the sign company and the store designer.


Like everything else at Raintree, the distinctive tree logo was designed in house and appears in different iterations on the door of the store in Burlington, VT, as well as on social media and Raintree’s website. Husband and wife owners Michael Tope and Shannon Mahoney also designed and made all of their cases, fixtures and the storefront, as well as their jewelry, and they do their own photography. They carry their design aesthetic through every element of their gallery.

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This Customer Got Her World War II Dates Confused Fri, 31 Dec 2021 02:01:32 +0000 She was disappointed in the “young'uns” for not knowing.

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We recently had a customer come in and say, “Do you know what today is?” I said yes, December 7th. She said, “Yes, you’re right, but what took place today?”

“Hmm, not sure.”

“You young’uns don’t know, but today is D-Day!”

“I see.” (Me with a puzzled look).

We completed the transaction and she left. My employee (he is younger than I am) says to me, “That is funny that she calls us young’uns and says we don’t know … because December 7th is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.” — Stephen Kolokithas, Jewelry Set In Stone, Chelsea, MI

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