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AGS Launches New Consumer Advertising Campaign




(Press Release)
LAS VEGAS – The American Gem Society (AGS) announced Tuesday that it will launch a new, fully integrated U.S. advertising campaign to raise consumer awareness of its brand and to drive traffic to its members’ using its “Find a Jeweler” search feature. The ad campaign will target both male and female consumers, with “Buy It with Confidence” ads targeting male consumers and “Love What You See. And What You Can’t” ads targeting female consumers.

Aimed at increasing consumer awareness of AGS, the print ads will run in GQ, Glamour and Vogue in the first half of 2016 in top regional markets to cover the important shopping occasions of Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and the bridal season. Additionally, the campaign will run in print and digital media in The Knot throughout all of 2016.

A custom hashtag will be promoted (#BuyWithConfidenceAGS), along with social media campaigns. Helpful and interactive consumer content will also be developed and distributed via bridal publications and the magazine partners. Counter cards of the ads will be made available for member retailers to display in store at point-of-sale.

To increase the campaign’s consumer reach, AGS has planned a customized public relations and trade communications initiative to promote the campaign messaging to a wider audience on consumer-facing social media outlets, the AGS blog, AGS websites (including Find a Jeweler, as well as games and quizzes) and publications such as Brilliance, Spectra and targeted member email blasts.

The ads will also promote AGS Laboratories, with logo placement in the creative, as well as the distribution of helpful consumer information such as benefits of using a Lab report, explanation of diamond grading and the 4C’s, FAQ’s, shopping tips, etc.

All messaging in support of this 360-degree campaign will promote the AGS mission of consumer protection, business ethics and ongoing gemological education, while driving traffic to AGS member retailers via Find a Jeweler, which in 2015 had 700,000 consumers searching for AGS jewelers.


In addition to the advertising campaign, AGS plans to continue its public relations efforts by supporting the Society’s online quizzes and games, The Perfect Proposal contest, the Find a Jeweler website and other national and local Guild initiatives.

“With the support of our retail members in-store and in their social media outlets, this fully integrated campaign is designed to make a powerful impact,” says Ruth Batson, CEO of AGS and AGS Laboratories. “Promoting consumer confidence and the ethics of the reputable jewelers that make up the AGS membership is critical to attracting younger consumers and ensuring the future strength of our industry.”

To learn more about the campaign, view the creative or stay current with AGS announcements regarding Conclave speakers, registration information and more, please visit and follow the AGS blog or the AGS pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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