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Shane Decker

25 Facts You Need to Know Before Selling Bridal to Millennial Buyers

Understand what they want, and you’ll sell more engagement rings.




GEN Z IS certainly on the cusp of entering the bridal market, but the age group responsible for 70 percent of all bridal sales are those aged 25 to 29, which are the youngest millennials. Here are 25 facts to keep in mind when selling to millennials.

  1. They want to be greeted quickly.
  2. They want to feel respected.
  3. He buys peace of mind; she buys style, fashion and sentiment. For him, that means GIA lab reports, company benefits and trade-in policies. For her, that means design (often custom or branded) and pictures found on social media or brides’ magazines.
  4. They’ve changed the size of the starter set. They are buying carat-and-a-quarter, carat-and-a-third, or even larger.
  5. Some do more than 90 hours of research before they purchase.
  6. They are the No. 1 age group buying custom and the highest closing ratio (over 80 percent) when the ring is custom.
  7. If they love your website, chances are they’ll come in. If they don’t, they’ll never open your door. Too many websites look like the Flintstones designed them.
  8. They’re the first generation raised on technology. They’re comfortable using your iPads and searching your inventory via mobile device.
  9. They’re the youngest generation purchasing fine wine. If you offer them a glass of wine during the presentation, they will stay longer, and the closing ratio will rise.
  10. They prefer the same age group waiting on them, if possible. Having things in common like social media, vocabulary and music is a plus.
  11. They’re the No. 1 age group buying XXX cut. They love buying fancy shapes (oval is No. 1). They’ve also made east-to-west settings popular.
  12. More young women now are paying for their own ring.
  13. Like most buyers, they are compliment motivated.
  14. They do not want to feel like they were closed. They think they can make the buying decision on their own. That’s why the ALPC is so important (ask-listen-paraphrase close).
  15. They dislike pushy salespeople. They hate feeling pre-judged, and if you’re pushy, they’ll let everyone know with a negative online review.
  16. Because they love social media, they will show and tell their friends. Take the picture of the ring on her hand with your phone and send it to her. Ask if you can put the photo on your store’s social media feeds.
  17. They will write more reviews about your staff and their experience in your store than any other age group.
  18. They are the most knowledgeable shoppers about your product of all age groups. They love a professional who has GIA knowledge waiting on them.
  19. Most know what they want coming in, and some even have a photo on their phone.
  20. They love texting.
  21. They’re the most impatient generation of shoppers.
  22. They do not like to negotiate; they want the real price on the tag.
  23. They’re bringing 18K yellow gold back.
  24. With them, less is more. Higher quality is more desirable than lower quality and having to buy it again later.
  25. They want bragging rights about the experience, about the professional salesperson, about the store, and about the diamond in the ring.

Shane Decker has provided sales training to more than 3,000 jewelry stores. Shane cut his teeth in jewelry sales in Garden City, KS, and sold over 100 1-carat diamonds four years in a row. Contact him at



Why This Jeweler Chose Wilkerson

Mark Lauer is the owner of Mark Michael Diamond Designs, the Minnesota-based jewelry gallery known for exceptional and uniquely designed diamond jewelry. Though he loved creating the beautiful jewelry his business was known for, retirement was an exciting alternative to the 60+ hours a week he’d spent building it up. He called Wilkerson to help with a retirement sale. “I did talk to two other companies, but I just didn’t feel they offered the same services that Wilkerson did,” he says. “I knew Wilkerson had the expertise to follow through and give me the service and results that I wanted. They’re the number one rock stars in this industry.”

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