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David Geller

Why Offering Multiple Fees for Product Guarantees Could Net You More Profits

For example, offering a watch battery guarantee for either one year or five years can raise your average battery sale.




IN THE 1980S, we charged $5 to replace a watch battery. Why? Because the United States government made a $5 bill.

One day, we decided to try what Fast-Fix did: have a two-tiered battery price. We started charging $8 for a one-year guaranteed battery and $15 for a five-year guaranteed battery. (Same battery, we just guaranteed it for five years.)

No paperwork required; all you need is a sharp-pointed pen. We opened the back and wrote inside a “1” or a ”5” for the battery warrantee along with the date.
Why Offering Multiple Fees for Product Guarantees Could Net You More Profits
When a customer came in and needed a battery, we said, “Great, you have two choices: a one-year guaranteed battery for $8 or a five-year guaranteed battery for only $15.” 60 percent of customers chose the five-year guaranteed battery.

Our average battery sale went from $5 to $12. If the battery died before the guarantee expired, we gave them a new one, but it was only guaranteed for the remainder of the original time frame.


In addition, many people have started using our suggestion of a “Watch Spa”:

Watch Spa And Lifetime Battery – $117

  1. Remove the movement, ultrasonically clean the case and band.
  2. Install a new battery.
  3. Install a new rubber gasket.
  4. Using silicone, seal the back gasket and apply silicone to the stem/crown area.
  5. If the crystal is removed, reglue.

People will pay. Not only that, but giving customers a menu of choices helps them and your store.

Funny story: I used to travel to stores to train and help with QuickBooks. One day, I was doing something at the store’s point-of-sale computer and I was the only person in the showroom (the rest of the staff was in the back). In walks a very elderly woman who said she needed a battery for her husband’s watch. I gave her what I just typed about the two choices of warranties. She stood there gazing at the ceiling and finally replied: “He’s 98, just give me the one-year guaranteed battery.” True story.


David Geller is a 14th-generation bench jeweler who produces The Geller Blue Book To Jewelry Repair Pricing. David is the “go-to guy” for setting up QuickBooks for a jewelry store. Reach him at



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Mark Lauer is the owner of Mark Michael Diamond Designs, the Minnesota-based jewelry gallery known for exceptional and uniquely designed diamond jewelry. Though he loved creating the beautiful jewelry his business was known for, retirement was an exciting alternative to the 60+ hours a week he’d spent building it up. He called Wilkerson to help with a retirement sale. “I did talk to two other companies, but I just didn’t feel they offered the same services that Wilkerson did,” he says. “I knew Wilkerson had the expertise to follow through and give me the service and results that I wanted. They’re the number one rock stars in this industry.”

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