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Pride Month, Pageant Season and More Key Dates in June

The 25th anniversary of the premiere of Sex and the City is a great opportunity to remind people “stacks are back.”




Pride Month, Pageant Season and More Key Dates in June

28 Given the long struggle for gay rights, it’s somewhat surprising just how accepting society has become in recent years. Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, held to commemorate the Stonewall Riot on June 28, 1969, nevertheless offers you a chance to show that you get it. Set up a special tribute display in your window, offer a gift registry for same-sex couples on your website, sponsor a float if there’s a parade in your town, and last but not least, read up on what appeals to the community. LGBTIQA+ themed jewelry is much broader than rainbow designs.

6 On the 25th Anniversary of the premiere of Sex and the City, invite all the self-purchasing Carries, Samanthas and Charlottes on your database to an SATC-themed event in your store. Tie it in with a “Stacks are Back” promotion!

21 On National Daylight Appreciation Day, give some thought to how you can securely share the fiery wonder that happens when a ray of June sunlight meets a diamond.

26 Pageant Season is in full bloom across the country at high schools and social clubs. Offer to supply or sponsor the winner’s tiara. Now that’s top-of-head product placement!

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Why This Jeweler Chose Wilkerson

Mark Lauer is the owner of Mark Michael Diamond Designs, the Minnesota-based jewelry gallery known for exceptional and uniquely designed diamond jewelry. Though he loved creating the beautiful jewelry his business was known for, retirement was an exciting alternative to the 60+ hours a week he’d spent building it up. He called Wilkerson to help with a retirement sale. “I did talk to two other companies, but I just didn’t feel they offered the same services that Wilkerson did,” he says. “I knew Wilkerson had the expertise to follow through and give me the service and results that I wanted. They’re the number one rock stars in this industry.”

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