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Give Customers a Sneak Peek at What You Have Planned for the New Year and More Tips for January

Start a Log and Laugh book for all the low and high points that lie ahead.




Give Customers a Sneak Peek at What You Have Planned for the New Year and More Tips for January

Need a motto for 2023? How about “Inventory should not have anniversaries.” That’s from business coach Bob Negen, co-founder of WhizBang! Retail Training. An optimal inventory turn rate for a jeweler is above 1. Any products that have been sitting on your boards for close to a year are draining life from your business and probably driving away bored customers. Reduce the price, bundle it or do a stock balance … do whatever it takes to move it on. Turn and earn!


Kill Two birds with Small Stones

David Blitt, owner of Troy Shoppe Jewellers in Calgary, AB, does something similar to get a jump on wedding season. “I try to prepare some of my loose melee in small bands that I can use at blow-out prices. Gets rid of small goods and reminds clients it is wedding band time,” he explains.

MARKETINGNew Year Preview

Give customers a sneak peek at what you have planned for this year. Are you introducing new products? Have you grown your staff or expanded your services? Send out an email recapping the past year and let people know what you have planned for the New Year, recommends Constant Contact in their monthly marketing newsletter.


GOAL-SETTINGKnow when to Quit

A little negativity can be a good thing, argues Annie Duke in her new book, Quit: The Power Of Knowing When To Walk Away. “Optimism causes you to overestimate both the likelihood and magnitude of success and stick to things too long,” she says. “Unchecked by realism, it prevents you from quitting when you ought to walk away.”

SALESShow and Tell

Keep a gemstone with super interesting inclusions handy to show under magnification, urges GIA-accredited jewelry pro John Nicolosi, adding that it doesn’t have to be flawless or even a diamond. “Flawless doesn’t really exist,” he says. “Because clarity is graded at 10x mag. Zooming in beyond 10x can reveal extremely minute characteristics, even in flawless diamonds. Remember, Mother Nature—or humans, for lab-grown—made every diamond different,” which is a powerful attraction to a potential buyer.

MANAGEMENTFeed it forward

Providing feedback has long been considered an essential skill for leaders. But according to executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, there are two problems with it: It addresses something in the past and it makes the recipient defensive. In its place, he recommends “feedforward,” which is suggesting a couple of things that could help one of your workers improve their performance. “It can be very specific and still delivered in a positive way. The manager can cover the same points without feeling embarrassed and without making the subordinate feel even more humiliated,” he says.


MARKETINGA New approach

You may not be enamored with Valentine’s Day as a selling date but set aside money for advertising for the last two weeks of January and the first two weeks of February regardless. “It gets your name in the minds of guys who don’t want to propose on cliche holidays but want to propose soon,” notes Jennifer Farnes, owner of Revolution Jewelry Works in Colorado Spring, CO. “Like it or not, everyone is pitching Valentine’s to them, so they are thinking about it anyway. Just advertise it differently.”

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Why This Jeweler Chose Wilkerson

Mark Lauer is the owner of Mark Michael Diamond Designs, the Minnesota-based jewelry gallery known for exceptional and uniquely designed diamond jewelry. Though he loved creating the beautiful jewelry his business was known for, retirement was an exciting alternative to the 60+ hours a week he’d spent building it up. He called Wilkerson to help with a retirement sale. “I did talk to two other companies, but I just didn’t feel they offered the same services that Wilkerson did,” he says. “I knew Wilkerson had the expertise to follow through and give me the service and results that I wanted. They’re the number one rock stars in this industry.”

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