Jim Ackerman - INSTOREMAG.COM https://instoremag.com/education/videos/jim-ackerman/ News and advice for American jewelry store owners Sat, 26 Sep 2020 17:17:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Video: Don’t Be Afraid to Run Multiple Jewelry Marketing Promotions at Once https://instoremag.com/video-dont-be-afraid-to-run-multiple-jewelry-marketing-promotions-at-once/ https://instoremag.com/video-dont-be-afraid-to-run-multiple-jewelry-marketing-promotions-at-once/#respond Sat, 26 Sep 2020 04:04:57 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=55776 Get creative with concurrent promotions.

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FOCUS IS A GOOD THING, but some jewelers overdo the concept when it comes to marketing.

Some business owners stick to doing only one promotion or campaign at a time. But that’s not always the best approach, says marketing expert Jim Ackerman.

In today’s video, Ackerman talks about how to get creative with concurrent promotions.

Take a look:

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Video: How to Spend Your Jewelry-Business Advertising Budget the Right Way https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-spend-your-jewelry-business-advertising-budget-the-right-way/ https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-spend-your-jewelry-business-advertising-budget-the-right-way/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 04:03:07 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=55500 Don't spend your money only on attracting new customers.

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HOW ARE YOU SPENDING your advertising budget?

There are only three ways to grow a business, says Jim Ackerman: get more customers, increase your average transaction, and/or get existing customers to visit more often.

Jewelers often focus their ad spending on attracting new customers, Ackerman says. But increasing frequency of purchase should be the priority goal.

Watch the video:

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Video: Grow Your Jewelry Business with Promotions and Campaigns https://instoremag.com/video-grow-your-jewelry-business-with-promotions-and-campaigns/ https://instoremag.com/video-grow-your-jewelry-business-with-promotions-and-campaigns/#respond Sat, 08 Aug 2020 21:05:52 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=52997 They’re both important, but they’re not the same thing.

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PROMOTIONS AND CAMPAIGNS can both play an important role in growing your jewelry business. But they aren’t the same thing.

In today’s video, marketing expert Jim Ackerman explains the differences and how you might use each.

Take a look:

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Video: Why You Should Spend More Time ‘On the Business’ Instead of ‘In the Business’ https://instoremag.com/video-why-you-should-spend-more-time-on-the-business-instead-of-in-the-business/ https://instoremag.com/video-why-you-should-spend-more-time-on-the-business-instead-of-in-the-business/#respond Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:03:32 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=51105 Embrace the roles of chief visionary officer and chief marketing officer.

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TO GROW YOUR JEWELRY business, it’s crucial to spend some time on two roles: chief visionary officer and chief marketing officer.

That means spending less time “in the business” and more time “on the business,” says Jim Ackerman. It involves delegating some of your other tasks and putting energy into getting more people to come through your door.

Watch the video:

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Video: ‘Start the Smart’ with These Jewelry-Business Growth Tips https://instoremag.com/video-start-the-smart-with-these-jewelry-business-growth-tips/ https://instoremag.com/video-start-the-smart-with-these-jewelry-business-growth-tips/#respond Thu, 07 May 2020 15:28:16 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=48189 It’s time to form new patterns in order to not only survive, but thrive.

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IN THE LAST EPISODE of “Marketing Gems,” Jim Ackerman explained that you have to “stop the stupid” — that is, break old habits — if you want to grow your jewelry business.

In this episode, he takes the concept a step further, describing how you also need to “start the smart.” In other words, it’s time to form new patterns in order to not only survive, but thrive.

Take a look:

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Video: To Build Your Jewelry Business, You Have to ‘Stop the Stupid,’ Says Jim Ackerman https://instoremag.com/video-to-build-your-jewelry-business-you-have-to-stop-the-stupid-says-jim-ackerman/ https://instoremag.com/video-to-build-your-jewelry-business-you-have-to-stop-the-stupid-says-jim-ackerman/#respond Sun, 05 Apr 2020 04:01:02 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=46743 Shed the ways of the past and take your business to a higher level.

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IF YOU WANT TO GROW your jewelry business, it’s important to “stop the stupid,” says Jim Ackerman.

By that he means you can’t expect change to happen if you keep doing the same old things. You have to drop old patterns and limiting beliefs.

In this episode of Marketing Gems, he explains how to shed the ways of the past and take your business to a higher level.

Take a look:

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Video: Why Jewelers Should Get Creative With Their Offers and Not Always Think of Discounting https://instoremag.com/video-why-jewelers-should-get-creative-with-their-offers-and-not-always-think-of-discounting/ https://instoremag.com/video-why-jewelers-should-get-creative-with-their-offers-and-not-always-think-of-discounting/#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2019 04:02:42 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=35730 "Offer" isn't spelled D-I-S-C-O-U-N-T.

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SOME JEWELERS ACT as if the word offer is spelled “discount,” says Jim Ackerman.

Discounting has its place, but in most cases, you should be using other types of offers.

In this episode of Marketing Gems, Ackerman explains a few of your options.

Take a look:

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Video: How to Get People to Buy Jewelry From You Now Instead of ‘Someday’ https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-get-people-to-buy-jewelry-from-you-now-instead-of-someday/ https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-get-people-to-buy-jewelry-from-you-now-instead-of-someday/#respond Tue, 08 Oct 2019 04:04:36 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=34553 Set conditions in your offers to create a sense of urgency.

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SOME JEWELERS FEEL that their prices are fair and that they shouldn’t need to use special offers to get customers to buy.

The problem is, potential clients might not see any reason to buy today as opposed to tomorrow, next month or next year, says Jim Ackerman.

In this episode of Marketing Gems, Ackerman talks about how to instill a sense of urgency in your marketing and in your offers.

Take a look:

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Video: Use This Low-Tech Secret to Bring More Jewelry Customers Through Your Door https://instoremag.com/video-use-this-low-tech-secret-to-bring-more-jewelry-customers-through-your-door/ https://instoremag.com/video-use-this-low-tech-secret-to-bring-more-jewelry-customers-through-your-door/#respond Wed, 18 Sep 2019 04:04:54 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=33534 It starts with thinking like a customer.

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IN THIS EPISODE of Marketing Gems, Jim Ackerman shares “a low-tech secret to getting maximum customers through the door in minimum time.”

It’s an idea you can apply to all of your advertising, including Facebook, email, direct mail, billboards, television, radio and every other medium.

It starts with thinking like a customer.

Watch the clip:

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Video: How to Generate More Referrals for Your Jewelry Business https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-generate-more-referrals-for-your-jewelry-business/ https://instoremag.com/video-how-to-generate-more-referrals-for-your-jewelry-business/#respond Thu, 05 Sep 2019 04:04:57 +0000 https://instoremag.com/?p=33301 Do you have a formal system in place?

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EVERY JEWELER LOVES referrals, but many do nothing to make them happen.

In today’s video, marketing expert Jim Ackerman explains how to apply a systematic approach to generating referrals.

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